Special Product Orders can be placed by calling Rich Mineral Customer Service. Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. MST 1-800-373-7946
Payment will be required upon placement of all Special Product Orders.
Order totals will be provided at the time of order placement.
Payment will include product(s) cost, applicable shipping, and applicable sales tax.
If Rich Mineral in-stock items are ordered at the same time as a Special Product Order AND the customer elects to have Rich Minerals ship all products to the customer at the same time, the Rich Minerals standard shipping policy will apply.
Separate shipments of Special Product Orders, whether shipped by Rich Minerals or drop-shipped from Youngevity will be charged the product cost, shipping charges, and applicable sales tax.
Sales Tax: Orders shipped directly from Rich Minerals to any address in Idaho will be charged Idaho State Sales Tax. Orders shipped from Rich Minerals to states other than Idaho will not be charges Sales Tax.
A free sample is not included in Special Product Orders.