ZINC+ Immune Support and Colloidal Silver

September 09, 2024 1 min read

By: Michelle G. Wallach, Chief Operating Officer, Youngevity
November 9, 2023 

Winter is upon us, and did you know that taking Zinc within 24 hours of experiencing cold symptoms can help shorten the length of your cold? 

Zinc absolutely boosts the immunity system and ... 

  • Supports childhood growth
  • Manages your blood sugar
  • Clears up acne
  • Promotes healthy heart and blood vessels
  • Helps with your taste and smell

Zinc occurs naturally in beans meat and fish ... one question always remains-but are you getting enough? And every day? 

People who do not have enough Zinc in their body may be at much great risk of infections ... and no 

medicine cabinet is complete in the ·winter months without Ultimate Colloidal Silver! 

*5 ppm per dose of pure silver

Ingredients: colloidal silver, purified water, pure micro fine silver in suspension 

Adults who take½ teaspoon daily will find it safe and effective with many health benefits. 

Personally, I think it is best used topically! Studies suggest it helps skin heal fast, has antibacterial properties, is great for wounds, sagging skin, acne rosacea, eczema, and is effective against skin infections! 

No matter what the ailment is in our household -the first words out of my hubby's mouth (without fail) is "get me the Colloidal Silver." 

#USYG100401 Colloidal Silver 

#USYG100085 Zinc FX