Dr. Joel Wallach, an expert in medical nutrition, recommends this Good Food/Bad Food list for overall health and nutrient absorption. It's important to clean up your diet to achieve good health, although there may be exceptions for diabetics regarding fruit and sugar. Please note that this list is from Youngevity®
and their wellness program, Wellness 90.
Good Foods
- Eggs (soft scrambled in butter, soft boiled or poached)
- Fish
- Chicken
- Pork
- Lamb
- Beef (rare/medium rare)
- Mixed, Salted Nuts (no peanuts)
- Beans
- Any "gluten-free" carbohydrate (except oatmeal)
- Rice, Millet, Pure Buckwheat, Couscous & Quinoa
- Corn (Non-GMO)
- Vegetables & Fruits
- Dairy
- Salt
- Nut Butters (no extra sugar)
- Lard & Butter
- 4-8, 8oz glasses of filtered water each day. Avoid soft plastic bottles.
- Coffee
- Tea
- Green tea
- Red wine
Bad Foods
- Wheat
- Barley
- Rye
- Oats,
- Oatmeal – even if it says that it’s gluten-free.
- Fried Food – nothing fried! You should boil, broil or bake and never more than medium rare for red meat.
- Oils – Oils oxidize when they come into contact with the air (become rancid).
- Since almost all oil is continually exposed to some air from the time it is produced, the process of oxidation has begun in even the freshest oil.
- Well done red meat; rare or medium-rare is ok.
- Any nitrates added to meat – (i.e. deli meats) tell your butcher NO NITRATES or NITRITES!
- No carbonated drinks of any kind within one hour before, during or one hour after meals.
- Skin of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.